Saavutage kaunis naeratus tänu kõrgekvaliteetsele FP1 klassi "All on 6" implantatsioonile!


Võtame ühendust võimalikult kiiresti, maksimaalselt ühe tunni jooksul. Juhul kui meie ei ole tunni aja jooksul ühendust võtnud, palun helistage numbrile +372 5197 7888 , tõenäoliselt ei ole teade meieni jõudnud. Täname mõistva suhtumise eest.

"All on 6" FP1 klassi naeratuse taastamine võimaldab teil saada tagasi oma kauni naeratuse ja täieliku närimisfunktsiooni, arvestades bioloogilist kontseptsiooni.

Antud meetod sobib suurepäraselt neile, kes on kaotanud hambaid või kellel on probleeme eemaldatava proteesi kinnitamisega. Protseduur pakub erilist huvi neile, kes ootavad tulemusest kõrget esteetikat, pakkudes usaldusväärset ja esteetiliselt meeldivat alternatiivi.

Mai promo #4 - All on 6 1

Implantatsiooni viib läbi meie kliiniku peaarst, implantoloog dr Igor Tkachenko.

Mis on “All on 6” FP1 klassi implantatsioon?
See meetod hõlmab kuue implantaadi paigaldamist ülemisse või alumisse lõualuusse, millele seejärel kinnitatakse terviklik hambasild. Sild taastab täielikult hammaste rea, andes naeratusele loomuliku välimuse ja tagastades enesekindluse. Selles meetodis kasutatakse klassi FP1, mis tähendab, et sild imiteerib ainult hammaste kroone, mõjutamata igemeid, tagades maksimaalse loomulikkuse ja esteetilisuse. See implantatsiooni tüüp on eriti väärtuslik neile, kes ootavad tulemusest kõrget esteetilist taset, kuna see võimaldab saavutada kõige muljetavaldavama visuaalse efekti.


5-aastane garantii!

Meie kliinikus pakutava FP1 klassi “All on 6” implantatsiooni eelised:

  1. Loomulik välimus: Hammaste loomuliku välimuse tagab digitaalsete protokollide kasutamine raviplaanide koostamisel ja konstruktsioonide valmistamisel. Oluline on märkida, et FP1 klassi sild imiteerib vaid hambakroone, mitte igemeid, tagades maksimaalse loomulikkuse ja esteetilisuse.
  2. Tugevus ja stabiilsus: Implantaadid tagavad silla kindla kinnituse, võimaldades teil enesekindlalt rääkida ja toitu süüa. Saksa kvaliteediga tsirkoonium konstruktsioonide kasutamine tagab erakordse vastupidavuse ja tugevuse.
  3. Pikaajalised tulemused: Pakume FP1 klassi implantatsioonile kõige pikemat garantiiperioodi – 5 aastat. Meie spetsialistide kõrge professionaalsuse tase ja tipptasemel tehnoloogiate kasutamine tagavad vastupidavuse, võimaldades teil aastaid nautida mugavust ja enesekindlust.
  4. Valutu protseduur: Meie kogenud spetsialistid tagavad protseduuri valutuse ja maksimaalse mugavuse, teostades implantatsiooni üldnarkoosis.


Võtame ühendust võimalikult kiiresti, maksimaalselt ühe tunni jooksul. Juhul kui meie ei ole tunni aja jooksul ühendust võtnud, palun helistage numbrile +372 5197 7888 , tõenäoliselt ei ole teade meieni jõudnud. Täname mõistva suhtumise eest.

Taastage oma naeratus Meerhof kliinikus, valides “All on 6” implantatsiooni. Meie kogenud spetsialistid on valmis teie küsimustele vastama ja pakkuma individuaalset konsultatsiooni. Täitke tagasihelistamise vorm või helistage juba täna ning andke endale põhjus taas naeratada.

Mai promo #4 - All on 6 2

Meie patsientide tagasiside:

Natalja SmolikovaNatalja Smolikova
12:24 27 Jun 24
Good morning!It was my first time at your clinic, and I was very pleased with the attitude and professional approach of Dr. Eric Kangur, who advised me in great detail about the treatment plan.Thank you
Veronika GrozovskiVeronika Grozovski
12:00 26 Jun 24
The hardest thing is to correct someone's poorly done work, but for the doctors of this clinic nothing is impossible! Thank you so much for the brilliant smile!
Aleksandr BostrikaAleksandr Bostrika
11:28 26 Jun 24
Wonderful clinic! I have experience in prosthetics and orthodontics. Experienced and helpful staff, convenient location and parking.
jelena sumanejevajelena sumanejeva
10:59 21 Jun 24
I liked everything very much. The staff is simply wonderful. The doctor explains everything in detail. I recommend this clinic to everyone.
Olga SultsOlga Sults
19:00 17 Jun 24
My son goes to this clinic, and when he came home, he tells me how qualified the doctors are, it feels like they are professionals, he really likes them. Thank you very much 😘
Valeria KylaotsValeria Kylaots
13:26 06 May 24
Getting my wisdom teeth removed was such a positive experience! From the initial consultation to the actual procedure and follow-up care, everything went smoothly. The dentist and their team were incredibly professional and reassuring throughout the entire process. The actual removal itself was surprisingly quick and painless. I was impressed by how efficiently the dentist worked while still ensuring my comfort and well-being. After the procedure, the staff provided clear instructions for post-operative care, which made recovery much easier. I experienced minimal discomfort and swelling. I would highly recommend this clinic, with such professionals in it as dr.Igor Tkachenko and dr. Anastasia Tonkikh.
Alevtina SurvoAlevtina Survo
05:07 05 May 24
At the Meerhof clinic I had a lot of dental work done. Everything was organized in two days. I was more than pleased with the results. I have never seen such a combination of professionalism, highly qualified specialists and service in any clinic.I trust my dental health only to specialists from Meerhof dental clinics.
Zoja SZoja S
13:06 30 Apr 24
You have a wonderful clinic! Everything is at the highest level, both service and treatment! Doctor Volkov is a good wizard! I recommend your clinic to my friends!
olga aleksejenkoolga aleksejenko
17:30 27 Apr 24
Excellent hygienic cleaning before installation of implants, attentive staff and individual approach.
Irina AkeljevaIrina Akeljeva
09:26 23 Apr 24
If you, like me, are terrified of dentists, but at the same time care about the health of your teeth, then come to Meerhof DC. Here I found the care, understanding and a wide range of services that I was looking for and could not find in other clinics. Everyone who worked with me is real professionals in their field. I recommend the surgeon Dr. I. Tkachenko, endodontist Dr. V. Volkov, anesthesiologist Dr. N. Zaitsev, otolaryngologist Dr. A. Antonov, hygienist Yu. Lyubchenko, orthodontist Dr. V. Kulak and all the wonderful assistants and administrators who make the Meerhof team so soulful ❤️
Julija CerkasovaJulija Cerkasova
10:42 18 Apr 24
Great, modern, and conveniently located Clinic. Exceptionally friendly and professional staff! 👌 received only treatment I needed without! Kudos to Igor, real professional and great doctor! 👍🏼 will definitely come back, and can easily recommend!
Jelena BeluhhinaJelena Beluhhina
18:15 11 Mar 24
High standard dental centre with excellent customer service. I'm so happy I have found this place, so now I will be their permanent customer. Very professional examination and last technology treatment. Definitely recommend if you looking best place for quality and service.
Katerina AstanovskajaKaterina Astanovskaja
14:16 22 Feb 24
Brilliant service! Helpful administrator! Valentina Kulak is the best orthodontist you can dream about to meet. Yes, maybe prices are more then average on the market, but you can feel the difference from the first step you enter the clinic.
Natalia KedrinaNatalia Kedrina
15:34 02 Feb 24
Meerhof is our family’s favorite clinic, where we have been solving any, including the most complex, dental problems for many years, аlways extremely professional, friendly and cozy! Thank you, you are the best ❤️
Irina GostimskajaIrina Gostimskaja
08:32 27 Sep 23
Excellent service, perfect quality, highly professional dentists and their assistants. Starting from the reception with a very welcoming lady, everyone does feel like a vip-client. It is like a real spa treatment for your teeth no matter what the procedure is. No pain, maximum comfort. Highly recommended.
Natalja SmolikovaNatalja Smolikova
12:24 27 Jun 24
Good morning!It was my first time at your clinic, and I was very pleased with the attitude and professional approach of Dr. Eric Kangur, who advised me in great detail about the treatment plan.Thank you
Veronika GrozovskiVeronika Grozovski
12:00 26 Jun 24
The hardest thing is to correct someone's poorly done work, but for the doctors of this clinic nothing is impossible! Thank you so much for the brilliant smile!
Aleksandr BostrikaAleksandr Bostrika
11:28 26 Jun 24
Wonderful clinic! I have experience in prosthetics and orthodontics. Experienced and helpful staff, convenient location and parking.
jelena sumanejevajelena sumanejeva
10:59 21 Jun 24
I liked everything very much. The staff is simply wonderful. The doctor explains everything in detail. I recommend this clinic to everyone.
Olga SultsOlga Sults
19:00 17 Jun 24
My son goes to this clinic, and when he came home, he tells me how qualified the doctors are, it feels like they are professionals, he really likes them. Thank you very much 😘
Valeria KylaotsValeria Kylaots
13:26 06 May 24
Getting my wisdom teeth removed was such a positive experience! From the initial consultation to the actual procedure and follow-up care, everything went smoothly. The dentist and their team were incredibly professional and reassuring throughout the entire process. The actual removal itself was surprisingly quick and painless. I was impressed by how efficiently the dentist worked while still ensuring my comfort and well-being. After the procedure, the staff provided clear instructions for post-operative care, which made recovery much easier. I experienced minimal discomfort and swelling. I would highly recommend this clinic, with such professionals in it as dr.Igor Tkachenko and dr. Anastasia Tonkikh.
Alevtina SurvoAlevtina Survo
05:07 05 May 24
At the Meerhof clinic I had a lot of dental work done. Everything was organized in two days. I was more than pleased with the results. I have never seen such a combination of professionalism, highly qualified specialists and service in any clinic.I trust my dental health only to specialists from Meerhof dental clinics.
Zoja SZoja S
13:06 30 Apr 24
You have a wonderful clinic! Everything is at the highest level, both service and treatment! Doctor Volkov is a good wizard! I recommend your clinic to my friends!
olga aleksejenkoolga aleksejenko
17:30 27 Apr 24
Excellent hygienic cleaning before installation of implants, attentive staff and individual approach.
Irina AkeljevaIrina Akeljeva
09:26 23 Apr 24
If you, like me, are terrified of dentists, but at the same time care about the health of your teeth, then come to Meerhof DC. Here I found the care, understanding and a wide range of services that I was looking for and could not find in other clinics. Everyone who worked with me is real professionals in their field. I recommend the surgeon Dr. I. Tkachenko, endodontist Dr. V. Volkov, anesthesiologist Dr. N. Zaitsev, otolaryngologist Dr. A. Antonov, hygienist Yu. Lyubchenko, orthodontist Dr. V. Kulak and all the wonderful assistants and administrators who make the Meerhof team so soulful ❤️
Julija CerkasovaJulija Cerkasova
10:42 18 Apr 24
Great, modern, and conveniently located Clinic. Exceptionally friendly and professional staff! 👌 received only treatment I needed without! Kudos to Igor, real professional and great doctor! 👍🏼 will definitely come back, and can easily recommend!
Jelena BeluhhinaJelena Beluhhina
18:15 11 Mar 24
High standard dental centre with excellent customer service. I'm so happy I have found this place, so now I will be their permanent customer. Very professional examination and last technology treatment. Definitely recommend if you looking best place for quality and service.
Katerina AstanovskajaKaterina Astanovskaja
14:16 22 Feb 24
Brilliant service! Helpful administrator! Valentina Kulak is the best orthodontist you can dream about to meet. Yes, maybe prices are more then average on the market, but you can feel the difference from the first step you enter the clinic.
Natalia KedrinaNatalia Kedrina
15:34 02 Feb 24
Meerhof is our family’s favorite clinic, where we have been solving any, including the most complex, dental problems for many years, аlways extremely professional, friendly and cozy! Thank you, you are the best ❤️
Irina GostimskajaIrina Gostimskaja
08:32 27 Sep 23
Excellent service, perfect quality, highly professional dentists and their assistants. Starting from the reception with a very welcoming lady, everyone does feel like a vip-client. It is like a real spa treatment for your teeth no matter what the procedure is. No pain, maximum comfort. Highly recommended.

Erakordne pakkumine kestab suve lõpuni!

All-on-6 FP1 ülemine + alumine lõualuu = 39 900€

Meie kliinikus on eriline võimalus saada “All on 6” implantatsiooni erihinnaga. Isegi kui teil on parodontiit või luukoe atroofia, saate naeratuse taastada.

All-on-6 FP1 konstruktsioon tsirkooniumoksiidist annab suurepäraseid esteetilisi tulemusi. Tsirkooniumsillad näevad välja täiesti loomulikud. Need on vastupidavad kulumisele ning tagavad ka ideaalse sobivuse ilma igemeid mõjutamata, muutes naeratuse maksimaalselt loomulikuks ja atraktiivseks.

Mai promo #4 - All on 6 3


Võtame ühendust võimalikult kiiresti, maksimaalselt ühe tunni jooksul. Juhul kui meie ei ole tunni aja jooksul ühendust võtnud, palun helistage numbrile +372 5197 7888 , tõenäoliselt ei ole teade meieni jõudnud. Täname mõistva suhtumise eest.