Surgery memo

Table of content:

Recommendations of the doctor after surgery, dental implantation, bone grafting.

Dental implantation, and especially bone plastic surgery, is a complex multi-step process that requires a qualitative attitude not only from the doctor performing the operation, but also from the patient himself. In order to reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor, including those relating to the features of hygienic oral care in the postoperative period.

Cold compress.

After surgery for the installation of dental implants, bone grafting, saliva can be pink in color due to secret fluid released from the wound. This does not mean that bleeding has opened: after the operation, bleeding from the wound can be within a few hours and within a couple of days with mechanical action (brushing teeth, eating).

At home, apply a cold compress (gel bag) to your cheek for 10-15 minutes and change it every 1.5-2 hours during the day. The cold will help reduce the risk of a pronounced swelling of the soft tissues of the face, but it will not completely remove this risk. The purpose of a cold compress is to narrow the vessels and slow down blood circulation, which in turn prevents the occurrence of bleeding. The day after the operation on the face, a slight swelling may occur, and in some cases hematoma. The appearance of a small swelling is normal. The swelling may become more within 2-3 days after the operation, on the 4-5 day swelling begins to subside. In the process of convalescence, the hematoma also changes color from gray-blue to yellow. After 7-10 days the hematoma resolves.

Rinse gently.

Rinse your mouth gently as the wound is fresh.

Intensive rinsing can cause bleeding. If there are postoperative wounds in the oral cavity, then hygiene is difficult, food particles get into the wound, therefore, after each meal, the mouth must be rinsed. Use a special mouth rinse solution (issued by your doctor). The solution should be at room temperature.

Do not smoke

Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after surgery, since smoking interferes with blood clotting at the wound site (as smoking expands the capillaries of the mucous membrane) and interferes with recovery. If it is impossible to quit smoking, try not to drag too much, as a strong pull of air into the mouth creates a negative pressure in the mouth, which can trigger bleeding.

Do not visit the bath and sauna

Avoid visiting the sauna and hot bath, as in the sauna or bath vessels expand, which can cause bleeding.

Do not take hot food and drinks.

Avoid hot foods. Food should be warm or / and chilled, as well as soft (jelly, juice, mashed soups, dairy products). The use of a cocktail straw is not recommended, since during aspiration negative pressure of the oral cavity is formed, which interferes with blood clotting.

Use energy-rich foods in the first days after surgery.

Avoid hard and sticky foods.

Opening the mouth after surgery is often difficult, as the wound in the mouth is painful and the mucous membrane is swollen.


Brush your teeth more carefully.

Brush your teeth gently, but carefully. Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste provided after surgery. During the recovery period, the wound cannot be rubbed with a brush, it is necessary to rinse it carefully and carefully.


Avoid physical exertion on the day of surgery, as pressure may rise, which may cause bleeding.
Avoid flights for 1-1,5 months (if the sinus-lifting was provided).
For pain during the first days, use painkillers recommended by your doctor.
Avoid sneezing and blowing the nose
Avoid balloons inflating

You are advised to:

Take painkillers as prescribed by a doctor (during the first days).

Take antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor

Take vitamins as prescribed by a doctor

Rinsing the mouth with a remedy prescribed by the attending the stomatologist.