You have just had fixed dental prostheses (artificial crowns, implant-supported crowns, veneers, ceramic inlays, and bridges) installed.

Please, carefully read this memo. Following the recommendations given here will allow you to reduce the discomfort, as well as minimize the likelihood of complications.

  • Any dental prosthesis changes the way your mouth feels. At first, it will feel unusual and interfere with the movements of your tongue, making you uncomfortable. Very soon, however, you will stop noticing your new implant.
  • During the adjustment period, eat only soft foods (bread, soft fruit, and vegetables, boiled meat, etc.). Avoid solid foods! Especially nuts, sugar, rusk, crackers, carrots, and others. You must not bite into solid foods to avoid damage to the prosthesis, its position, or chipping of the ceramics.
  • Eating sticky foods (toffee, pastila, or marshmallows) or chewing gum may pull out both temporary and permanent prostheses!
  • Dental implants should be cleaned just like natural teeth, twice a day, using toothbrush and toothpaste. After eating, rinse your mouth to remove food debris. Using dental irrigators will significantly increase the life of your prosthesis. If you experience bleeding during toothbrushing, do not stop brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth. If the bleeding persists for 3 to 4 days, you must contact the clinic.
  • If you experience any discomforting symptoms, please consult an orthopedic dentist.
  • Be sure to visit your orthopedic dentist twice a year for follow-up examinations and bite alignment control.

The longevity of your dental implants directly depends on following these recommendations and thorough oral hygiene.

Regular (at least once every 6 months) visits to your dentist reduce the risk of complications, as well as prevent new dental problems.