To retain a long-lasting effect of professional oral hygiene, stick to the dentist’s orders.
Within 2 days following the dental hygiene, please refrain from eating and drinking foodstuffs increasing tooth sensitivity (juices, carbonated beverages, and fruits) and containing coloring pigments:
In two days, a thin transparent protective layer will be formed on the teeth, which is the norm, but was cleaned off during the procedure.
Avoid smoking for at least 2 days following the procedure, as cleaned bright tooth enamel with the plaque removed will get dark more intensely from the smoke.
Use dental floss and interdental brushes to clean the areas between teeth, quality toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as irrigator. Hygiene procedures shall preferably be carried out after every meal, at least twice a day.
To sustain the result of oral hygiene for a longer period of time, it is necessary to:
We remind that after the dental implant surgery, plastics and reconstructive jaw surgery, the warranty period of 2 years is valid only on condition of visiting the dental clinic at least once every 6 months for a routine checkup, as well as compulsory procedures aimed at maintaining oral hygiene.
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Pirita tee 20a/2-3
Mon - Sat: 09:00 - 18:00