Mon – Fri 09:00 – 18:00
Sat 09:00 – 18:00

Pirita tee 20a-2, Tallinn,
Eesti 10127

+372 5197 7888

AESTHETIC dentistry

Meerhof Dental Center is not just a modern dental center where you receive highly qualified dental care! Our mission is to make the world more beautiful and patients happier! And aesthetic dentistry is the leading way to allow you to smile freely and beautifully!

Wide smile is a healthy necessity

Aesthetic (cosmetic) dentistry is one of the most popular areas of dentistry, with the help of which adjustments to the shape, color, location of teeth, and elimination of defects (chips, cracks, darkening) are made.

Know that any defect on teeth or bite is correctable!

Our modern clinic may solve the most complex therapeutic and aesthetic tasks, because we have everything necessary to do that, including

  • Experience of doctors and medical staff
  • Patient service
  • Equipment and Dental Laboratory
  • Digital programs and medical protocols
  • High-quality materials

The primary services of the Meerhof Center in the direction of aesthetic dentistry

Orthopedic treatment. Veneers

A popular type of prosthetics is super–thin ceramic veneers (linings), which give the teeth a beautiful and healthy appearance. Veneers are used to achieve the effect of a “Hollywood smile” – dazzling white, even teeth. The patient can select the shade, shape, and size of veneers individually.

Specifics of treatment with veneers:

  • The doctor fixes individually made ceramic veneers (or crowns) on the patient’s pre-prepared teeth.
  • The quality of fixation and long-term operation is guaranteed by the materials manufacturer (veneers, adhesive protocol) and the Meerhof DentalCenter.
  • Digital technologies and the experience of orthopedists and dental technicians allow us to create the perfect design for a future smile.

Orthodontic treatment 

We offer a wide range of orthodontic treatment methods to correct bite and align the position of teeth: braces, aligners, removable and non-removable orthodontic devices, mini-screws, and mini implants. Depending on the clinical picture of the patient, dental surgery is introduced.


Correction of bite and position of teeth using braces is a popular and effective technique. Refining a smile’s aesthetics and improving the functionality when chewing are the main tasks of braces treatment.

The peculiarity of treatment:

  • Fixed construction.
  • Monthly observation by an orthodontist is required to adjust the design.
  • After removing braces, retainers are often attached to the inside of the teeth, which maintain the position of the teeth, preventing them from returning to their previous position.

Invisalign Aligners 

Alignment of teeth with the help of aligners – transparent removable caps – is the latest technology of modern orthodontics and aesthetic dentistry. The “invisible” system affects the dentition imperceptibly, but effectively.

  • The system is removable.
  • Such treatment is effective if the mouthguards are worn 20-22 hours a day.
  • You can visit an orthodontist less often than when wearing braces.

Teeth whitening 

An excellent procedure for lightening the shade of enamel. We apply photobleaching using the innovative device – Philips ZOOM 4. The equipment of the latest generation especially carefully affects the enamel, making it lighter up to 8-10 tones.

  • The procedure is indicated for healthy teeth with low sensitivity.
  • It is impossible to lighten prostheses, implants or fillings, or ceramic restorations.
  • The effect of bleaching remains for 6+ months. It depends on whether the patient is smoking, how much coloring liquids and food are consumed.

Composite restorations

Composite dental restoration is another way that makes it possible to restore the shape and volume of your tooth. Restoration is used as a way of building up in case of chipping or partial destruction of the tooth, as well as a seal that closes the cavity and “builds up” the natural shape of the crown of the tooth.

  • Composite restorations do not replace full-fledged prosthetics or implantation.
  • Restorations can be used as a final method of tooth restoration or in combination with prosthetics when a crown is put on top to protect the tooth from excessive loads during chewing.

The fundamental principle of the Meierhof Dental Center:

Integrated approach

An integrated approach in aesthetic dentistry is illustrated by the fact that aiming to create a dazzling smile with even natural teeth, the patient needs to go through several stages of treatment, depending on the individual situation.

The classic set of measures looks like this:

Aiming to ensure the end result, we proceed to the next stage:

  • Treatment with an orthodontist, orthopedist or a visit to a dental hygienist for teeth whitening.

Aesthetic Dentistry: Price

The price in aesthetic dentistry is formed after examining the patient, drawing up, and approving an individual treatment plan with him. The cost of aesthetic dentistry in Meerhof is compiled by considering the stages of treatment, procedures, materials and systems used, and the participation of doctors and medical staff.

Payment is made in installments. The form of payment is convenient for the patient: cash, non-cash payment, and various options for credit and installments are offered. If desired, the patient is accompanied by a personal manager with whom you can discuss organizational issues.


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If you do not hear from us within 1 hour, kindly give us a call at +372 5197 7888 as your message did not get to us.

We love what we do

In our cases you can see not just smiling patients of the Dental Center. You see people who trusted the solution of their dental problems to experienced professionals. A dazzling smile is a pleasant reward.