Mon – Fri 09:00 – 18:00
Sat 09:00 – 18:00
Pirita tee 20a-2, Tallinn,
Eesti 10127
+372 5197 7888
Progressive stomatology practices painless tooth extraction with minimal injuries to soft tissues. Doctors at the Meerhof Dental Center practice a gentle atraumatic method of extraction using A-PRF technology. It speeds up the gums healing, so the procedure is comfortable for you, whilst postoperative recovery is easy and quick.

First, you get a dental 3D tomography. It shows the anatomical structure of your dentition and the proximity of the trifacial nerve. This allows the doctor to plan the operation, minimizing whatsoever risks.
The dentist carefully analyzes the obtained 3D image, examines the oral cavity and makes an injection to anesthetize the gums. A few minutes later, when the medicine has had its impact on the nerve endings, the doctor begins the operation.
Using a special ultrasound device – a piezotome, the doctor divides the dental crown into several fragments. Then, with a tool similar to a scalpel (periotome), the doctor separates parts of the tooth from soft tissues and bones, and removes them with tweezers or an elevator. Then the doctor fills the wound with autogenous fibrin membranes obtained due to application of A-PRF tool.
The tooth extraction lasts 15-30 minutes. At the end, you get the leaflet “Oral care while the wound heals.” If further dental prosthetics or implantation is necessary, agree on the next appointment with the doctor or follow the previously selected plan for tooth restoration.
For information as regards the prices for extraction of a third molar, other teeth extraction, see the section “Prices” of the website.
Say “No!” to your fear
Extraction of teeth for a patient is a psychological and physiological stress. With the atraumatic method, even a third molar removal, considered a complex operation in stomatology, is now a comfortable procedure.
The painless tooth extraction method offers several advantages:
1. No jaw bone loss
2. Minimum risk of post-operation infection
Thanks to the use of a piezotome and elevator, gum damage is minimized. The fibrin membrane reduces the area of tissue loss and contributes to quick healing of wounds.
3. Painless teeth extraction
Efficient anesthesia reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings so much that you do not feel the extraction of the tooth. Minimal soft tissue trauma and the use of A-PRF tool keeps you feeling well during post-operational recovery.
4. Preparation for implanting и prosthetics
Thanks to A-PRF technology and other innovations, tissues regrow much faster and operation is tolerated easier. This allows the doctor to restore your dentition with implants or a prosthesis in 1 day.
5. Prevention of dental phobia (fear to have teeth attended to)
You feel physically comfortable thanks to high-quality anesthesia, a comfortable chair, the use of innovative equipment and technologies. Caring and professional staff of our dental center creates psychological comfort during tooth extraction.
Book an appointment
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We love what we do
In our cases you can see not just smiling patients of the Dental Center. You see people who trusted the solution of their dental problems to experienced professionals. A dazzling smile is a pleasant reward.