Mon – Fri 09:00 – 18:00
Sat 09:00 – 18:00

Pirita tee 20a-2, Tallinn,
Eesti 10127

+372 5197 7888

Septoplasty for straightening a deviated septum

Septoplasty for straightening a deviated septum

Endoscopic septoplasty is an ENT surgery to restore the correct shape of the nasal septum. It is recommended in the case of breathing disturbs and to eliminate the aesthetic defects. In Meerhof, septoplasty is carried out precisely for the normalization of respiration, since the health of the nose and the maxillary sinuses affects the quality of the implant survival.

Septoplasty for straightening a deviated septum 2

Deflected nasal septum

The main consequence of the nasal septum deflection is the difficulty to breathe. The patient feels discomfort due to the drying of the mucous membranes inside the sinuses of the nose and breathes with the mouth at night (often snoring) to compensate the lack of oxygen.

The chronic edema of the mucus membranes in the nose complicates the circulation of air and the full ventilation of the lungs, therefore the patient starts to suffer from hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), which creates a favorable background for various risks and pathologies:

  • decrease in immunity;
  • slowdown of metabolism and high-quality cell regeneration in the body;
  • memory deterioration and reducing of mental capacities;
  • drowsiness, impaired productivity;
  • slowing down of the recovery processes as well as healing after diseases;
  • increasing chronic diseases;susceptibility to respiratory viral and infectious diseases.

Deviated septum causes many unpleasant consequences in health condition, therefore we recommend avoid underestimating this ENT problem.

Endoscopic septoplasty for healthy breathing

ENT surgery

The task of the endoscopic septoplasty is straightening of a deviated septum using an endoscope. The optical instrument allows to carry out the surgery without cuts, through the cavities of nasal turbinates. The ENT surgeon observes the problem on the screen and, with the help of tools, removes part of the bone or cartilage tissue, straightens the nose and fixes the septum in anatomically correct position.

The surgery is carried out under general anesthesia. While the patient is sleeping, his vitals are recorded on special equipment, and an anesthesiologist controls the process.

Restoration after the surgery

After the surgery, special packing forming the contour of the nasal septum is inserted into the nose. A few hours later it will be removed. The patient remains under observation for another 3 – 4 days, during which careful nasal cavity care shall be ensured. After 10-14 days, the breathing shall be completely restored, while complete healing of the mucous membranes inside the nose takes place within 1 month. All this time, the patient lives a usual life, avoids excessive physical loads, and visits ENT specialist for checkups from time to time.

Septoplasty and placement of dental implants

Meerhof Dental Center is specialized in the restoration of dental health. It is often related with ENT health, since the state of the nasal turbinates, the nasal septum, and maxillary sinuses affects the state of the upper jaw bone tissue.

Any inflammatory processes in the nose and the pharyngonasal cavity create a favorable background for the unwanted difficulties in case of bone augmentation or raising maxillary sinus for further placement of dental implants.

We have a comprehensive approach to dental treatments in order to guarantee dental health. That is why septoplasty, like ENT surgery in general, has become part of our services that we offer to our patients.

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