E - R 09:00 – 18:00
L 09:00 – 18:00
Pirita tee 20a-2, Tallinn,
Eesti 10127
+372 5197 7888

Alexander Savchenko
Elu moto:
“Et olla õnnelik teiste inimeste õnne üle - see on tõeline õnn ja maine eluideaal kõigile, kes valivad meditsiinikutse”
(N. Pirogov).
About Alexander Savchenko:
Alexander Savchenko obtained the profession of a dentist at the Volgograd State Medical University. In 2008 he continued his postgraduate training and started practicing at clinics. In 2011 he studied in clinical residency with a specialization in Orthopaedic Dentistry.
At the Meerhof Dental Kliinik clinic in Tallinn, Dr. Alexander Savchenko works in the following spheres:
- Erineva tüübi ja keerukuse astmega hammaste proteesimine;
- Esteetiline ja funktsionaalne hammaste restaureerimine.
As a highly-qualified dentist and a dedicated doctor, Alexander Savchenko understands: the patient’s health and looks depend on him. Therefore he considers the patient’s trust and contentment the most important rewards for his work.
Doktorile tulevad appi digitaalsed tehnoloogiad ning teaduslikud saavutused hammaste kaasaegses proteesimises. Doktor Savchenko kasutab oma töös CEREC-süsteemi, 3D-tomograafi ja muud.
Tema arstikogemus koos ülitäpse seadmestiku võimalustega lubavad proteesida ilma jäljendeid võtmata ning seda lühikese aja jooksul – vaid 1-2 päeva. Puuduvate hammaste taastamine toimub traditsiooniliste meetoditega võrreldes kvaliteetsemalt ja mugavamalt.
Alexander Savchenko is respected by his dentist colleagues and by his patients. He takes a creative approach to his work, constantly improves his skills, and deepens his knowledge. In order to grow professionally, he actively participates in global congresses, and regularly takes training courses. He has an interest in the following subjects: fixed dental prosthetics and implant-borne prosthetics, digital and orthopaedic dentistry.
Vastuvõtule registreerimine
Juhul kui meie ei ole tunni aja jooksul ühendust võtnud, palun helistage numbrile +372 5197 7888, tõenäoliselt ei ole teade meieni jõudnud.